Monday, December 10, 2012

Unit 4: Building off of a Previos Project

My last project for this class builds off of the appropriation unit. I took both the appropriation aspect and my concept of visual noise and created a new project using glitch art. I feel that the technique of glitch art brings about the idea of digital noise which is interesting and fits perfectly with my concept. It has been a long and challenging process, as I explored many different aspects of glitch art. I began with the idea of datamoshing, and couldn't quite get the correct results as ironic as it is that I was looking for something specific. It did allow me, however, to open my eyes to certain freeware and how much it sucked. :-)  I also learned that tutorials can be extremely helpful and informative, however I had to work a lot harder to get the results than I thought I would. There just was no formula because the freeware that the first tutorial had me use was out of date and the "formula" didn't work with the most recent versions.
Throughout my research, however, I came acrossed a technique used in still glitch art which requires the alteration of the coding in text edit. The effects cannot be predetermined unless you know how to write code properly, which was the only bad part. I found myself changing things, saving it and not liking what I did. At that point you can't undo it unless you start all over because you have saved it. I think that it can produce visually rich and interesting pieces, but as I said there is a level of happy accidents that occur.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Unit 3: Social Media

Title: My Virtual Family Tree
Medium: Paper, Wire and Styrofoam on Cardboard
Dimensions: 24in X 36in

"My Virtual Family Tree"  is a data visualization of my social network, and the interconnectedness that social media allows for.